Sunday, April 13, 2014

Rhode Island Modeling Agency (RIMA Talent) Scam

A pure scam!

I started my journey looking for a legitimate talent agency that would book me jobs and send me off to castings. I began the journey by looking for modeling agencies and managements located in my home state of Connecticut. I found a website called "" (do not enter). "Connecticut Models" states that they are not a modeling school, but they do offer workshops that will help you become a better model: giving you more jobs. I sent my information, head shots and measurements to this agency and they replied quickly by a girl named Lisa Luther. I called the number that this woman gave me with a Rhode Island area code of 401, which confused me right from the beginning. When I called, they picked up and called themselves "Rhode Island Modeling Agency" aka RIMA Talent. I said that a woman named Lisa Luther was interested in me to go to an audition, this woman, who was not Lisa Luther, said that someone with that name did not even work there. They had my pictures anyways in their RIMA Talent data base even though it was for Connecticut Models. They gave me an address so I could come and audition for them, and out of curiosity, I went to the audition. It was located in Providence, which was an hour drive for me. I arrived at the building which was basically located in a flithy community, told the woman I was there for the interview and audition and was told to take a seat. 

After about ten minutes of waiting, this woman who was not Lisa Luther because she didn't exist, brought me into a small room with a runway built in. I was asked to fill in some information, asking about my favorite activities and I had to do a runway walk for them. After that they said thank you and they would get back to me if they were interested in me in the next couple of days, and I left. 

A couple days later, I was called to come back because they were interested in me. So I drove all the way back to this "agency" and met the director Angel Santos. Santos told me that the agency was interested in representing me. 

This is when it gets sour. She pulls out a workshop sheet, adding that I had no prior modeling experience and clients would not be interested in booking me if I did not have any modeling background skills. There were several workshops to take, and the cost for the whole workshop was over $1,500. I said that I was not interested in taking the workshop, and her attitude turned unsatisfactory. She simply told me if I didn't take the workshop I wouldn't get any jobs, and trust me, I still did not take the ridiculous workshop. She made me make a account which was $40 so clients could see my resume and book me through their agency. So far, without taking the overpriced workshop, no jobs have appeared. And I can promise you that these people taking this workshop aren't going to get anywhere. This agency is tearing young girls and boys modeling dreams apart by taking money from their unsuspecting parents who are just doing what they think is right for their child. 

Please do not even attempt to audition for this "agency", they will except anyone and try to steal your money. It's a complete joke. 
Please leave your comments about this scam agency below. 

1 comment:

  1. Help! This agency wants me to come in for a portfolio shoot on Sunday...they've already taken $250 deposit from me saying that it will go to the photographer...that they get nothing until they book me. They will want another $250 when I arrive on Sunday. Is this a scam??? Help!!
