Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Barbizon Modeling Scam!

You don't need schooling to become a successful model, you learn from experience. Barbizon is just a fence in front of your modeling career, making you think that if you take these courses, more jobs will come your way. Enrollment fee's are up to $3,000, money that you could be using to get headshots to submit to REAL agencies. Barbizon literally teaches you how to eat with a fork and knife on a plate, as well as walk and pose all for $3,600 (Hansen NBC). So after paying that fee, your child "graduates" from this pathetic career center into the next level with a modeling convention called "International Modeling and Talent Association convention" where your child will be exposed to other possible career opportunities. After passing a couple auditions, it would cost $4,700 to stay in NYC for the week (Hansen NBC). 

These people are rude, insensitive pricks that want to exploit your children into thinking they can become stars. I've read hundreds of bad reviews about Barbizon saying the exact same thing, their child was recruited and Barbizon said they had "the look", they had the child go to an audition surrounded by hundreds of other children that also were there for the audition, and if you were or weren't accepted into Barbizon, they would call you up anyways to save you from being embarrassed. Then after that comes the money, one of the questions they ask during the interviews is "Can you pay?" their thousand dollar fee. 

They give you a chance to have dinner with not really pop sensation Cody Simpson, and when you sign up to meet him, you are really signing yourself up for Barbizon Modeling. They call you the next day saying your child could be a model and then the scam journey begins. Be smart people, Barbizon Modeling is a SCAM!

Still don't believe? Read the 1,000s of scam reviews listed here:

NBC interviewing parents who paid up to $16,000 for Barbizon Modeling and got absolutely no jobs. 

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